Xavier Pujadas

Xavier Pujadas is Professor of the Department of Physical and Sports Activities at Ramon Llull University (Barcelona). He is also Director of the Research and Innovation Group on Sport and Society (GRIES), (recognized by the Government of Catalonia), in which competitive projects are developed on the interaction between sport and societies in Europe. He is a member of the European Committee for the History of Sport and is currently Vice dean of Graduate Studies and Research at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport of the URL.

He is specialist in Social History of Sport in Spain and Europe, his works have developed a modern social historiography on sports association in the twentieth century, on the discourse of popular sports in Catalonia and in Europe since 1930 and on sport and gender in the Spain of the dictatorship of Franco. He has published more than 10 books and dozens of articles in national and international scientific journals.


 Pujadas, X.; Garay, B.; Gimeno, F.; Llopis, R.; Ramírez, G.; Parrilla, JM. (2014). Sports, morality and body: The voices of sportwomen under Franco’s dictatorship. International Review For The Sociology of Sport .

-Pujadas, X.; Santacana (2012), C. Prensa, deporte y cultura de masas. El papel del periodismo especializado en la expansión social del deporte en Cataluña hasta la guerra civil (1890-1936). Historia y Comunicación Social. (Número monogràfic: Comunicación y Deporte), 17, 139-155.

– Pujadas, Xavier (Coord.).  (2011). Atletas y Ciudadanos. Historia Social del deporte en España (1870-2010). Madrid:  Alianza Editorial. ISBN: 978-84-206-6463-7

-Pujadas, X., Abadia, S. (2005),  Deporte y democratización en la Barcelona contemporánea: apuntes para un estudio. CCD. Cultura, Ciencia, Deporte.  2,  51- 56.

-Pujadas, X. & Santacana, C. (1998). L’Esport és noticia. Història de la premsa esportiva a Catalunya. Barcelona: Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya.

Research and Innovation Group on Sport and Society (GRIES): http://recerca.blanquerna.edu/esport-societat/en/